NBA Expert Betting Picks: Increase Your Odds- By: Chris Robertsen

Description : When it comes to number of wins in NBA history, the Boston Celtics are the top dog, with the Lakers not far behind. Miami Heat is favored in many NBA expert betting picks to win the championship again this year, with the Celts ranking #2 in the odds and the Lakers somewhere in the top 6 favored-to-win. Does that mean you should be gearing yourself up to bet on the Heat? The Celtics? The Lakers? None of the above? If you're a bettor by nature, you know that basketball is fickle. All it takes is one misstep, one twisted knee or one bad trade to sink a team's playoff chances. And if you're betting game by game, the odds are even more volatile. So what's the knowledgeable bettor to do to increase the odds of making steady money on his bets? Here are a few betting tips that can help you increase your payoffs.

Spread It Around

There are more than 12,000 professional and college basketball games played each season. That's an awful lot of action out there where you could be cleaning up. Even if you just stick to NBA games, there are regular season games, tournament games and playoff games, and each offers myriad betting opportunities. Get to know your teams, then develop a betting strategy that gives you the best odds of winning.

Research... And More Research

The more you know, the more successful you'll be. There are many factors that can tilt the odds of winning a game in one direction or the other. Keeping up on the latest sports news means more than knowing which team won last night's game. Follow the NBA betting odds and watch the lines, but remember that the lines move in response to news. Watch the roster, pay attention to trade rumors and keep up with injuries both on and off the court. Even such seemingly small bits of news, like a report of a rivalry getting out of control, can hint at an off-night for your favorite team.

Get NBA Expert Betting Picks

It's a full-time job to follow all the gossip and news on the pro basketball circuit. You may not have time to do it, but there are people out there who do. You can increase your winning bets - and the money you make on betting - by riding their coattails. Shop around to find NBA expert betting picks with a high accuracy record and subscribe to them for a steady stream of picks and tips to help you spark up your bottom line.

Bet Like a Business

You can love your Knicks but bet on the Celts to win. It's not a betrayal. Rather, it's a business decision. It's tempting to follow your heart with your wallet, but it's a dangerous habit. If your heart disagrees with the NBA expert betting tips you're getting, consider the source, and place the bet that offers you the best chance of making money.

Whether you place the occasional wager or bet on a full lineup of games every week, you can increase your odds of making money when you get NBA expert betting picks from a high-quality source. Find an expert with a winning record and follow the picks to increase your winnings.

Article Source :

Author Resource : Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world's MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

Learn more about NBA Expert Betting Picks